
Seating plans and Prices 2021/2022


Großer Saal Musiktheater Volksgarten

Price category 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Standing
Prices A 32,50 30,50 28,50 22,50 14,50 11,50 9,50 2,50
Prices B 51,50 49,50 47,00 39,50 29,50 24,50 12,00 7,00
Prices C 67,50 63,00 59,00 51,50 38,00 28,50 15,00 8,00
Prices D 78,00 72,00 65,50 55,50 47,50 32,50 18,50 9,00
Special prices 87,00 80,00 72,50 62,50 53,50 37,50 22,50 9,00
Premiere surcharge 9,00 8,00 7,00 7,00 6,00 5,00 4,00
Thu - Sun
3,00 3,00 3,00 3,00 3,00 3,00 3,00

Preise in €

The cloakroom fee is included in the ticket price. Prices in Euro incl. 5 % VAT.

Prices A selected guest performances

Prices B Unter dem Gletscher

Preise C La Bohème, Le nozze di Figaro, Schwanensee – Traum und

Wirklichkeit, The Garden, Lieder für eine neue Welt

Preise D Wie im Himmel, Der Graf von Luxemburg, Aida, Priscilla – Königin der Wüste, Titanic, Piaf

Sonderpreise Parsifal

Seating in rows A to E and the passerelle at selected guest performances and special events. Similarly, different price allocations may apply for individual performances. For certain reasons (e.g. demand, special guests, directors, conductors, etc.) there may be price variations for individual performances.

Start time for performances

Großer Saal 7:30 pm (unless otherwise stated)

Seat cushions for children

For the youngest visitors, the public service will gladly provide seat cushions.

Standing room tickets

are available from 1 1/2 hours before the performance begins. Please note that we cannot grant any discounts on standing room tickets.


The foyers of the Musiktheater are smoke-free. Smokers can use the forecourt and roof terrace of the restaurant Das Anton.

Wheelchair spaces

Up to 22 wheelchair spaces are available for wheelchair users and spaces for accompanying persons on the raised ground floor. Further places can be arranged in the first two rows on the ground floor. Wheelchair users and accompanying persons receive reduced admission tickets.

Wheelchair accessible toilets are located in the foyers. All floors are accessible by elevators. Please contact our staff, they will be happy to help you.

Inductive loop system

The seats on the ground floor, mezzanine floor and 1st tier are equipped with an inductive hearing system. Please contact the ticket service for the best seats.


Standard prices

Prices A | 8,00

Prices B | 22,50

Prices C | 32,50

Prices D | 43,00

Prices M | 11,00

Prices in €

The cloakroom fee is included in the ticket price. Prices in Euro incl. 5 % VAT.

Preise A Die Katze, die ihre eigenen Wege ging

Preise B ausgewählte Gastspiele

Preise C Europeras 3 & 4

Preise D Lachesis, Buddha, Kain und Abel oder Der erste Mord, Il matrimonio segreto (Die heimliche Ehe)

Preise M Topolina, Grimm!

Start time for performances

BlackBox and BlackBox Lounge 8:00 pm (unless otherwise stated)

FoyerBühne variable


Schauspielhaus Promenade

Price category 1 2 3 4 Standing
Prices A 50,50 45,00 38,00 32,00 4,00
Prices M 11,00 11,00 11,00 11,00 2,00
Special prices 58,50 53,00 46,00 38,00 4,00
Thu - Sun
2,50 2,50 2,50 2,50

Preise in €

The cloakroom fee is included in the ticket price. Prices in Euro incl. 5 % VAT.

Preise A Die Abenteuer des braven Soldaten Schwejk, Die Nibelungen, Mephisto, Geschichten aus dem Wiener Wald, Liebesgeschichten und Heiratssachen, Amadeus

Sonderpreise Fanny und Alexander

Start time for performances

Schauspielhaus 7:30 pm (unless otherwise stated)

Standing room tickets

are available from 1 1/2 hours before the performance begins. Please note that we cannot grant any discounts on standing room tickets.


The foyers of the Landestheater are smoke-free.

Wheelchair spaces

Wheelchair users and one accompanying person receive reduced admission tickets.

Wheelchair accessible toilet available. Please contact our staff, they will be happy to help you.

Inductive loop system

The seats on the ground floor, 1st and 2nd tier are equipped with an inductive hearing system. You can find out the best seats at the ticket service.


Kammerspiele Promenade

Price category 1 2 3 4 5 Standing
Prices A 50,50 45,00 38,00 32,00 26,00 4,00
Prices M 11,00 11,00 11,00 11,00 11,00 2,00

Preise in €

The cloakroom fee is included in the ticket price. Prices in Euro incl. 5 % VAT.

Preise A Ode, Die Wahlverwandtschaften, Die Geierwally, Zehn Ave Maria,

Macbeth, Crossopera – Otherness: Fear and Discovery

Preise M Zwei Tauben für Aschenputtel, Alice im Wunderland, Bambi

Start time for performances

Kammerspiele 7:30 pm (unless otherwise stated)

Standing room tickets

are available from 1 1/2 hours before the performance begins. Please note that we cannot grant any discounts on standing room tickets.


The foyers of the Landestheater are smoke-free.

Wheelchair spaces

Wheelchair users and one accompanying person receive reduced admission tickets.

Wheelchair accessible toilet available. Please contact our staff, they will be happy to help you.

Inductive loop system

Most of the seats on the ground floor and balcony are equipped with an inductive hearing system. You can find out the best seats from the ticket service.

Studiobühne, unteres Vestibül | Promenade


Preise A | 8,00

Preise B | 22,00

Prices in €

The cloakroom fee is included in the entrance fee. Prices in Euro incl. 5 % VAT.

Preise A Mongos, Die Zertrennlichen, Es war einmal ..., Jenny Hübner greift ein, Junger Klassiker – Faust Short Cuts, Tschick

Preise B Ein bisschen Ruhe vor dem Sturm, Der Mentor, Jenny Jannowitz

Ticket Service

Monday - Friday

9.00 - 18.00

Saturday 9.00 - 12.30

(closed on Sundays and public holidays)




+43 732 7611-400