

Season 2024/2025
Season 2023/2024

Production Search

Anna Wenzel

Wanda Walfisch

Children's opera | 5+
Translation by Claudia Steiner and adaptation by Anna Wenzel after the picture book of the same name by Davide Calì and Sonja Bougaeva
Production of the Upper Austrian Opera Studio

Austrian Premiere 22.01.2023

Unfortunately, this production is no longer on the schedule


Every Wednesday, Wanda drags herself sullenly to the swimming pool. She doesn't feel comfortable there because the other children make fun of her corpulence and call her "Wanda Whale". When the swimming instructor notices that Wanda is losing all joy in swimming, he opens up to her that the real problem is not the others at all, and even less her body. It is much more a question of her attitude towards herself and her imagination. If she imagines herself to be light as a feather, then she is. Equipped with this idea, Wanda faces her fears and the world, and becomes more and more a self-confident girl, who in the end convinces the other children in the swimming pool that she can be happy in the water like a fish - and swims like one.

Anna Wenzel adapted this picture book by Davide Calì and Sonja Bougaeva with 15 pieces of music by old masters from the Renaissance into a children's opera about the power of one's own thoughts and imagination.


Wanda Walfisch Gregorio Changhyun Yun © Petra MoserWanda Walfisch Gregorio Changhyun Yun, Sophie Kidwell © Petra MoserWanda Walfisch Maxim Jurik © Petra MoserWanda Walfisch Sophie Kidwell © Petra MoserWanda Walfisch Gregorio Changhyun Yun, Sophie Kidwell © Petra MoserWanda Walfisch Maxim Jurik, Gregorio Changhyun Yun, Hanyi Jang, Sophie Kidwell © Petra MoserWanda Walfisch Sophie Kidwell © Petra MoserWanda Walfisch Sophie Kidwell © Petra MoserWanda Walfisch Sophie Kidwell © Petra MoserWanda Walfisch © Petra MoserWanda Walfisch Sophie Kidwell © Petra MoserWanda Walfisch Sophie Kidwell © Petra MoserWanda Walfisch Gregorio Changhyun Yun, Maxim Jurik © Petra MoserWanda Walfisch Gregorio Changhyun Yun, Maxim Jurik, Hanyi Jang, Sophie Kidwell © Petra MoserWanda Walfisch Sophie Kidwell © Petra MoserWanda Walfisch © Petra Moser


Video for Wanda Walfisch


Sophie Kidwell
Schwimmlehrer / Mann mit Hund / Freiheitsstatue
Gregorio Changhyun Yun
Hanyi Jang
Maxim Jurik
Elisabeth Tomani
Mathias Roller
Thomas Adam