

Season 2024/2025

Or Matias

The Wave

Musical by Or Matias based on the account written by Ron Jones
Collaboration on the original concept and consulting: Chloe Treat
German translation by Jana Mischke | In German

The Wave was developed in part at the Johnny Mercer Writers Colony at Goodspeed Musicals in 2019.

The Wave was written, in part, with support from SPACE on Ryder Farm (

First Release 28.05.2021
 - One intermission -
More Dates will be announced shortly.


With The Wave, the musical division of the Landestheater is already presenting its fourth world premiere - after several awards for previous new musicals. The Wave is based on the famous social experiment of teacher Ron Jones, which transformed an American high school into a kind of fascist movement within a few days in 1967. When things got out of control and the structures that had been rehearsed showed more and more totalitarian traits, the teacher wanted to stop the experiment - but the members of "The Wave" opposed him.


Video for The Wave