

Season 2024/2025
Season 2023/2024

Production Search

Jacques Offenbach


Operetta in one act by Jacques Offenbach based on the operetta "Nummer 66" and the bouffonnerie musicale "Die elektromagnetische Gesangsstunde".
Libretti by Philippe Auguste Pittaud Deforges, Laurencin and Ernest Bourget
New test version for the Landestheater Linz by Gregor Horres
New orchestration by Jean-Baptiste Marchand, Fabio Buccafusco, Giorgio Musolesi, Christiaan Willemse

Premiere 19.02.2023

Unfortunately, this production is no longer on the schedule


Sophisticated musical-theatrical canapés were the now rarely performed operetta one-acts by a certain Jacques Offenbach, among others. It was not the quality of his light-footed miniatures, but the lack of performance venues and opportunities for this format that caused his legendary one-act operas to be almost forgotten. For several seasons now, the Linz Landestheater has been in the process of rediscovering these venues. It has been leaving its traditional premises with relish and playing Upper Austrian theaters and inns.

In his production, director Gregor Horres combines two of these Offenbachian miniature stage works, Number 66 and The Electromagnetic Singing Hour, into a bizarre and absurd human hunt for happiness. Whether with the help of a lottery or by acquiring extraordinary skills such as opera singing, there are plenty of recipes for getting Fortuna on one's side. And how does luck relate to this? It does what it wants anyway.


Tina Josephine Jaeger
François (Piccolo, Hans Schlauheimer)
Conor Prendiville
Pacifico Toccato (François)
Navid Taheri Derakhsh
Roland Kramer
Manuela Kloibmüller
Atanas Dinovski
Manfred Grillnberger